Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kids from Santa Lucia - Zoo trip

All aboard and ready to leave Parque Central Santa Lucia............ The madness begins.

 Denise here with her adopted family. Marco (5), Melissa (8) and Maria (11). There from a family we visit a bit with Hilmar. There father killed himself about 4 months ago becuase he couldnt take the stress of not being able to provide for the family, leaving there mother to provide for 4 small children by herself now. I cant undserstand it so im not going to comment too much on how I feel about it. All lovely kids, hard not to fall for them. Marco is a little bit on the wild side but sure isnt that half the craic. I had him in my arms showing him a big iguana climbing up a tree. Put him down to pick up the sister to show her. Hadnt got her in my arms and the bould Marco had pegged a rock at the iguana. Would have killed an elephant how hard he threw it. Luckily it barely missed. 
Alex, Christian, Denise, Jasmine and Eli...

This is me with my assigned group. The Monos (Monkeys) I decided to call my group. Basically because its the only half decent animal sound I can do. Dunno how I feel about it now really. Was walking round santa lucia the other day on the way to Inlex and every second kid was making monkey noises at me and shouting Mono. Genuinely dont think they meant it in a bad way to be fair. Could be called worse I suppose............


Who is codding who here now????

 Myself and the bould Marco........

Feeding time at the Zoo.........

The excitement at this water fountain was unnatural. Fair few wet arses goin back on the bus. Half the kids were soaked to the bone. Not a lot we could do really...

 Denise and the two sisters. Two women who help out at the Comedor (kitchen) every week.

Group photo.... Missing a few but was a battle to get this. Phase 1 complete. All children accounted for none eatin by lions, no Iguanas murdered, kids happy, great success.

I honestly think the kids would have had the same fun if we had brought them anywhere the fact that it was the zoo wasnt totally important. The excitment of a treat and an adventure was the main part for them. Have to say too the older kids really look after the younger ones, boys girls didnt matter they were all great. Made it really enjoyable for all of use helping out too. When Hilmar first said about going to the zoo I thought, nice to bring them on a trip but a Zoo in Guatemala??. To be fair now it wasnt that bad, similar to Dublin zoo as I remember it as a kid, little smaller maybe.

In case your wondering what is the point of the zoo trip. Well make your own mind up but this is my feelings on it. Cons first....  Its pretty cruel to lock wild animals up in convined spaces or concrete jungles no matter which way you look at it.
Now pros, made 108 unasuming kids very happy. Made some more kids and parents aware of the merits of being part of the community centre. Will hopefully make the amount of kids turning up bigger in the new year so that more kids eat healthily and get vitamins. Promotes Hilmar and his work. Hopefully it helps him get even more respect which could make it easier for him to do whatever he wants to do, I know he has plans to do painting courses in the new year and possibly shoe making also. All out of the community centre. My feelings are that he himself would be of best use teaching the kids English after the comedore twice a week. He doesnt agree and we leave it at that because it is his centre and I have my opinion but thats all it is and we move on. I never doubt Hilmars intentions and I after all am only a visitor. I hope it has some positive effect in the long term but even if it doesnt I think the kids really deserved the day out. 
Myself and Stefan were dsicussing the pros and cons of the zoo trip when he hit me with an idea that got me really interested in a project.
I first met Stefan in my project in La Cumbre and to be fair we hit it off straight away, solved many the worlds crisis in a night over a bottle of Ron Boltran 12 year old. Honestly classify him as a good friend, worst wing man in the hostory of wing men but a good friend. He was there for a month only and is returning to work in his own project in Coban at the start of the school year in mid January Stefan is the English teacher in a school where most of the kids live in a dump. Their families survive off selling what they find in the land fill. Pretty scarey stuff.
Right long storey short this is the idea. Bring the 200+ kids that attend the school to a great Myan archaelogical site called Tikal. Have presentations and seminars it there native Myan language the night before entry to the site. Provide food and accomodation for 2 or 3 days for everyone. Why? Simply it is a ¨zoo´ trip with all the excitement that it has but will also teaches the kids how great their native culture is and how great their own society once was. The chances of the kids getting this chance without outside help is near on impossible. Have a few generous offers for a bit of fundraising so might be calling them in for this. First have to sit down over next few days here in Coban and work out the logistics Stefan can work out what is needed. We might then split up the target between a few of us that are interested in going and work from there.   

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